Thursday, April 23, 2009

I like...

Logan/Cache Valley
Forgetting about homework assignments and deciding to put them off until early the next morning
Talking on the phone for an hour and a half without even realizing it
Cute haircuts
Good runs
Smiling Big
Painted nails
Warm nights
Returning customers
Pushing myself to work harder now for the best later on
Coastal cities (ie. Seattle, New York, San Diego)
Classic literature of everyone's childhood (Chronicles of Narnia, Roald Dahl books, etc.)
Digital cameras
Personal Belongings
Best Friends
Feelings of great Satisfaction
Myself :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Money, Money, Money...

I should be given to the people so the people will use it to stimulate the economy. Wouldn't it work a little better if we were all paying actual money? And what good is a new park going to do for the economy?

So, some money saving tips, in less than 15 minutes, thanks to FHE and a woman named *Mary Hunt ("Financial Freedom in 15 Minutes). Please note that I took this from an article handed out at FHE, I have summarized it to mostly my own words, but it is an article by Mary Hunt that you can look up later if you want.

1. Save
You don't "save" money by spending less - you're still spending money! You actually save money when you put it away into a safe place. Goal: 10 percent of all you receive goes straight into savings. P.S. Also try to put some money away every paycheck into a cash backup. You have no idea how much that will come in handy someday.

2. Give Give away the same amount you save. This means charities, church organizations, whatever you do. Goal: 10 percent goes to charities. (For anyone who pays tithing, try to Give first, and then Save, but make them both top priority)

3. Live Live within 80 percent of your net income. Reduce your spending in every area of your life by a small amount, and this will be achievable, and sooner than you think.

4. Credit ONE Credit Card. How many credit cards? ONE. Just one. That's all you need. Choose the one you've had the longest and cut up the rest. If your card has a balance on it, don't carry it with you. ONE credit card.

5. Debt "The only debt safe for you to carry is secured debt (mortgage, car, or anything with collateral)." Plan to pay off all your credit card debts quickly. Remember, interest is not our friend! And for you students, don't worry - the church has said that it is ok for students to go into debt for our schooling, but don't go off and get a loan for that BMW that you've always wanted. That can wait til you're old and retired with a million dollars. Also, did you know that the LDS church does not start any project unless it is already paid for in full? That means temples, churchs, etc. Hm, that's some good advice there.

6. Cash
I guess it's been proven that you spend about 30 percent less if you pay with cash. Personally, I think it's actually a little easier to spend if you have cash on hand, but also you have a set amount of cash and that's all you can use (leave the plastic at home), then you're bound to spend less and save it for something better. Plus, who wants to write a check to your roommate for $3.25 that you borrowed earlier that week?

7. Plan You. Need. To. Plan. You need to have a spending plan. You need to have a budget. You need to know exactly what goes in, and what goes out, and when it does that. Write it down, and stick with it.

8. Get Support Daily support from others who are also getting control of their financial lives: Also, you can visit every day. Join in and get involved.

So yes, money these days is scary, but it is possible! I have a very strong testimony of this, and I know that if we just work little by little and spend within our income, we will do just fine in this ever-changing world. Stay in tuned later for some tips on...Food Storage!

*Mary Hunt is the author of 14 books. Everyday Cheapskate readers will find her recently revised book, "Debt-Proof Living," available at a discount at All correspondence becomes the property of Debt-Proof Living.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Let Me Tell You My Theory

How similar do you see the characteristics between this presidential election and the election of 1960?? There was Nixon - old, sickly looking, and not appealing at all to anyone on TV. Then there was JFK - he was new, he was hip, he was fab, not to mention he was young and very good looking. No wonder all the ladies (and everyone else) voted for him. Three years later, he was dead from a bullet through the head.
So this year, there was McCain, and all anyone could say about him was that he was old, and all he could talk about was the Vietnam War. Then there's Obama - he's fit, he's smart, he's suave, he's young and still in love with his happy wife and family, and every woman in the US guaranteed has some sort of whatever woman crush on him. He's the new JFK, and there's about a million people out there that you could talk to that pretty much think he's going to get assassinated within the first month of his presidency.
And gee, it doesn't help any that he's BLACK.

That's just my theory.

But other than that, I think it's about time we got a Democrat back in office. Ok, come on, I'm more Republican, but you've gotta admit - the Democrats (unless you're a REAL good Republican) are the ones that generally get things done. Alright, so maybe their morals are a little lower than most, but maybe that's what makes them such good politicians! I know I wasn't a Clinton fan back in the day, but what did I know - I was 7. But looking back now, and especially comparing it to Bush's 2 terms (I'm not harping on Bush), the economy was good, Clinton actually went out and helped other countries and established different programs that have actually really made a difference! What has Bush done?? I'm not going to lie - I would have very much feared for the economy if McCain had been elected to office, which was why I was very hesitant right at the end to vote for him anymore, yet I would have felt like a sinner going against my Republican beliefs voting for Obama. But now with Obama in office (I'm not surprised at all to see he has won), I actually have some sort of hope for our economy. Maybe. I don't know if I can trust him fully yet, but I think I can trust him to get the job done, whatever that job may be. This will be a fun and adventurous next 4 years to see how our country turns out. So let's...hold on tight and hopefully enjoy the ride??

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The Nation has elected its first black president, something Hollywood has already been trying to tell the world!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Summer 2008 Hiking Spots

The pictures are actually in reverse order of when they happened, except for the last few because I couldn't remember. :) My whole summer pretty much consisted of working and hiking. Picture Time! (P.S. Sorry - I'm not real good at putting pictures on this thing...)

Camping at Maple Something a little past Midvale. That was fun!

The Y!

Rock Canyon

The Notch!! The most beautiful hike I've been on, almost, by far!

Provo River Falls

Timpanogos Cave! That was amazing!

Stewart Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

If there's a random picture of a beautiful view, that was somewhere in Alpine near Lone Peak (not the high school).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Look, finally a post!

Just a few thoughts:

1 - Help out the economy and get interested in agriculture. Did you know that's where our food comes from?? :-O

2 - Keep a record of all spendings. Avoid consumer debt at all costs. Have a food storage, even if you're a student living away for a semester or two. Have a cash backup set aside. You never know what could happen, even if it was an accident. This is coming from personal experience. :)

3 - You can make a difference. One voice gets it started.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hello All

Well, I haven't really blogged since the 11th grade, when it was required for us to and we kind of got all caught up in the joyness of it, and life was really good and happy and ultimately care-free. But one of my roommates has a blog that she devotedly updates, along with all the rest of her family and their respective blogs, and it just brought back all the memories and fun that I used to have with blogging. I know I'm not a good writer, but this should be something fun to have to write about anything that just might be on my mind like I used to, and that maybe would be fun for you to read.

So blogger people out there in the world who happen to run into my blog - enjoy! This is the first post of my....4th ever blog (ha ha), so hello, and good-bye, until I decide to get back on and write some more.