Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hello All

Well, I haven't really blogged since the 11th grade, when it was required for us to and we kind of got all caught up in the joyness of it, and life was really good and happy and ultimately care-free. But one of my roommates has a blog that she devotedly updates, along with all the rest of her family and their respective blogs, and it just brought back all the memories and fun that I used to have with blogging. I know I'm not a good writer, but this should be something fun to have to write about anything that just might be on my mind like I used to, and that maybe would be fun for you to read.

So blogger people out there in the world who happen to run into my blog - enjoy! This is the first post of my....4th ever blog (ha ha), so hello, and good-bye, until I decide to get back on and write some more.

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